Bonnie Aberson, PsyD

Dr. Aberson is a Pediatric neuropsychologist and clinical neuropsychologist in private practice and is on staff as a neuropsychologist at Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood, Florida. She is also a vender as a neuropsychologist for Vocational Rehabilitation and Brain and Spinal Cord in Miami and provides neuropsychological evaluations for Child-Net of Broward County. Dr. Aberson provides neuropsychological evaluations for children with a variety of developmental disorders, such as ADHD, learning disabilities, and autistic spectrum disorders as well as for individuals with neurologically based medical conditions, such as traumatic brain injury for which she has been retained in legal cases. She is trilingual and provides evaluations also in Spanish and Russian. Dr. Aberson also provides treatment for children and families as well as parent training and school consultation for children with neurological disorders, including ADHD and Asperger's Disorder. Additionally, she is a national trainer for the I Can Problem Solve/Raising a Thinking Child Program and has coauthored book chapters and articles related to her work using this approach with special needs children and their parents for the purpose of improving self regulation and resilience. She has conducted workshops and presentations on this program for APA, NASP, and CHADD as well as for grants for the University of Utah, the University of Southern California, the Juvenile Justice Department, and the Children's Service Counsel of Broward County, Fl. She has also been a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show because of her work with this program and is a contributor to the training manual. Additionally, Dr. Aberson has taught courses at Carlos Albizu University and Florida Atlantic University as an adjunct professor in the areas of assessment of children, child development, and cross cultural issues. Publications: Aberson, B., Shure, M. B., & Goldstein, S. (2007). Social problem-solving intervention can help children with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders,10(1, 3-8. Shure, M.B., Aberson, B.(2005). Enhancing the process of resilience through effective thinking. In S. Goldstein, & R. Brooks, (Eds.), Handbook of Resilience in Children. New York: Springer. Aberson, B., & Shure, M.B. (1992). Problem solving training as a form of crisis prevention. In S. E.. Brock, P. F. Lazurus, & Shane R. Jimerson (Eds.). In Best Practices in School Crisis Prevention and Intervention. National Association of School Psychologists, Silver Springs, Md. Shure, M., Oparah, D., & Aberson, (1994). B. How to Raise and Teach a Thinking Child, Ft. Lauderdale: Specialty Press, Inc. Lazarus, P., Ludwig, B., & Aberson, B.,(1984). Stroop Color-Word Test-a screening measure for selective attention to differentiate LD from non-LD children, Psychology in the Schools.


Practice Overview

  • Florida-5863
  • Family Therapy
  • Individual Psychotherapy
  • Neuropsychology
  • Memorial Integrated Healthcare
Information available upon request.
  • Children (3-12 yrs.)
  • Adolescents (13-17 yrs.)
  • Adults (18-64 yrs.)
  • Older adults (65 yrs. or older)
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Neuropsychological Testing
  • Social Learning/Community Psychology

Professional Affiliations

  • Fellow, American College of Professional Neuropsychology
  • Diplomate, American Board of Professional Neuropsychology
  • Member, American Psychological Association, division 40
  • Diplomate, American Board of School Neuropsychology

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