San Jose, CA
Search in your community to find a psychologist who can meet your needs and preferences. The psychologists listed below practice in this city and state. Please contact a psychologist’s office to confirm their office location(s). To extend your search, choose “refine results” and search by zip code.
3880 S Bascom Ave Ste 217
San Jose, CA 95124 United States
San Jose, CA 95124 United States
Areas of Expertise
- Cultural Diversity Issues
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Physical Health Issues
5273 Prospect Rd., # 116
San Jose, CA 95129 United States
San Jose, CA 95129 United States
Areas of Expertise
- Adult and Aging Issues
- Anxiety
- Career and Life Adjustments
- Cultural Diversity Issues
- Depression and Other Mood Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Gender Issues
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Physical Health Issues
- Mindfulness Based Interventions
- Stress
- Weight/Obesity Management
- Cultural Identity
- Intellectual and Developmental Disorders
390 Spar Ave, Suite 205
San Jose, CA 95117 United States
San Jose, CA 95117 United States
Areas of Expertise
- Anxiety
- Career and Life Adjustments
- Couples Therapy
- Depression and Other Mood Disorders
- Individual Psychotherapy